Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Missouri's Text Messaging Law Goes Into Effect

People often wonder if my BlackBerry is attached to me. Well, yes. It serves an important function in my life and helps me keep up with my daily activities. The more I use it, the more I wonder how I ever got along without it. But, it’s important to know when to text and when to focus my full attention on other matters.

A new law goes into effect on Aug. 28, 2009. It prohibits drivers 21 years of age or younger from sending, reading, or writing an electronic message while driving.

What we know is that distracted driving is the leading cause of traffic crashes in our state and across the nation. What teens tell us is that texting is their number one distraction while driving. The purpose of the new law is to encourage inexperienced drivers to focus their full attention on driving.

Under the new law, the fine for texting while driving is $200. That’s a pretty hefty price for a young person to pay. But, it’s not nearly the price they could pay if involved in crash.

Did you know it only takes three seconds to travel more than 300 feet when driving 70 miles per hour? Diverting your eyes from the roadway to text on your cell phone could be your last call. Please keep this in mind the next time you’re considering typing a quick note while driving.

Yes, I text. No, I don’t text while driving. I understand that there isn’t anything taking place in my text conversations that is worth the risk of seriously hurting or killing myself or someone else. It’s important for all drivers to focus their full attention on their driving.

Log on and tell me what you think and give suggested ways for curbing this bad habit among drivers.

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