Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Super Bowl is a beer holiday

Yea!! It's Super Bowl Week and Sunday is the big game. I can't wait.

For some people though, this week was not so "Super."

As I arrived at work yesterday, I received a call from my Operations crew. They were called out at midnight to clean up after a drunk driver. The driver snapped a wood pole, which holds up the stoplights at an intersection.

But, I was reminded how "Super" this crew was, because they repaired a broken pole and the stop lights before the morning commuters showed up.

How does this tie into the Super Bowl?

The two weeks prior to Super Bowl Sunday is one of the highest periods for cases of beer sold. In fact, when compared to other "holidays", Super Bowl Sunday is the 10th highest. You can see this fact on Tuesday's USA Today Snapshot on their front page.

As you make arrangements to enjoy the day with your friends and family, please keep the following two items in mind.

First - Be Responsible. There are many options available that prevent impaired driving. Don't let am impaired person get behind the wheel when leaving a party.

Second - Buckle Up. Tuesday, someone drove through a wood pole because they were not responsible for their actions. As you travel this Sunday, you may encounter a similar driver, and I don't want you to share the same fate as the pole. Using a seat belt is probably your last defense for such an offensive move.

Hope your team plays as well on Sunday as mine performed last Tuesday.