Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Shooting Some Hoops at Mizzou Arena

How difficult is it to throw a basketball through a hoop? Some people can make it with little practice but lots of luck. Others work on it every day, so they've got lots of experience. But even the most skilled professional would have trouble getting "nothing but net" when they're impaired by drugs or alcohol.

The same could be said for getting behind the wheel. No matter who you are or how much driving experience you've had, there's no guarantee that you can safely operate a vehicle if you're impaired.

As part of the Coalition for Roadway Safety, I spent Dec. 5 sharing that message with basketball fans at the University of Missouri. We set up a mini basketball hoop and some eye-catching banners in one corner of Mizzou Arena and offered people the chance to try making baskets wearing fatal vision goggles that simulate the sensation of being impaired.

It's interesting to watch people who wear the goggles. For most of them, I immediately notice that they're walking slower, arms stretched out for balance, easing their way from the table to the basketball hoop. Several of the teenage boys walk confidently but then misjudge the distance and walk right into the base of the game. Rarely does anyone actually get the ball through the hoop.

Everyone who puts on the goggles can feel the impairment. But there are too many people out there who etiher don't realize or don't care that they've had too much to drink and they're about to make a terrible choice by drinking and driving. Last year in Missouri, 262 people were killed, 1,113 seriously injured and 3,398 received minor injuries in crashes involving an impaired driver. That equals a death or injury every 1.7 hours.

While the fatal vision goggles offered a good time at the game last Saturday, the message was a serious one that we'll continue to share. Don't drink and drive. Be safe, and ARRIVE ALIVE.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Day Started Off Just Like Any Other Day

Sixteen-year old Jessica of Osage County was involved in a roll-over crash in Oct. 2009. She credits her seat belt for saving her from serious injury or death. The following is Jessica's story in her own words...

The day started off just like any other day. I was going to my aunt's house so I could put her kids on the bus. So I got out of bed, took a shower, and got ready. I was supposed to be there at 6:15 that morning, but I was running a little late and didn't leave my house until 6:06 a.m.

As I was driving Highway 63 I approached a big curve. I went over the center line and freaked out because I thought a car was going to come around the curve. So, I jerked the wheel back over. I went too far over the white line and into the gravel. I jerked the wheel trying to get out of it and overcorrected my vehicle. After that, it felt like a really weird dream. I went down a huge embankment. There was dirt and glass flying everywhere. The only thing I could do was scream; so I did the entire way down and as a result, I had dirt in my teeth and down my throat.

I kept asking myself if this was really happening to me. I seriously thought that my life was over. The car kept flipping over and over until I hit another tree and stopped. The air bag shot out of the steering wheel and jerked me back.

If it wouldn't have been for the seat belt, they would've been looking for me. I'm really lucky that I didn't get hurt or even killed. The only thing I got from it was burn on my chin from the air bag, and that only lasted about two weeks.

-- Jessica

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

M's Thoughts on Weekly Fatality Stats for November 1

Today, I am reviewing the weekly list of traffic related fatalities that occurred in Central Missouri.

These are people who died using Missouri's transportation system here in the central 13 counties of the state.

Every week I notice things that really leave me with an impression.

Statewide, 104 people have been saved this year over last year. That is a 13% decrease in fatalities. That is really cool. The uncool part is that Central Missouri is cruising at a 12% increase over the same period last year.

You read this right. An increase.

A question: Where do you think the vast majority of these fatalities have occurred?

US Highways? I-70?

Most occurred on county roads, state lettered routes, numbered routes, and city streets. Many of these roads are posted at 55mph or less and are most are 2 lane roads. They involve motorcycles, pedestrians, and cars.

The message is not all doom and gloom. Gasconade county is the only county in Central Missouri without a traffic related fatality.

I believe we can do better in Central MO not just Gasconade County if we all:
1. Buckle UP
2. Watch Our Speed
3. Don't drive intoxicated or "intexticated"

Please consider the above action items to help you stay off the weekly list I review.

Hoping You Arrive Alive, M

Thursday, October 8, 2009

ThinkFirst Missouri Kicks Off New School Year

ThinkFirst Missouri wants to be on your calendar!

Be a part of the solution to reduce injuries and save lives in Missouri by inviting ThinkFirst to your school, business or organization. ThinkFirst is a statewide traffic safety program of the University of Missouri School of Medicine. The program is presented by inspiring survivors of brain and spinal cord injuries. Through compelling firsthand testimonies, audiences will be motivated to take personal responsibility for their actions and make safe choices.

For more information about ThinkFirst Missouri, or to schedule a FREE presentation, visit http://www.thinkfirst.missouri.edu/, e-mail Penny Lorenz, Assistant Director at lorenzp@health.missouri.edu, or call (573) 882-1176.

Every life lost
or person injured
is ONE too many!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Is "MyKey" a Young Driver's Best Friend?

In a September 1, 2009 article in USA Today, Ford is introducing something I think is pretty “cool”. It is a new technology called “MyKey”. An engineer at Ford wondered how he could use technology to help get a teenage driver through that first year of driving. After the teenage driver in his family rolled a family car twice, the father decided that maybe there was something that could be done.

What does the key do? From the article, it becomes a obnoxious little brother. If the driver and passengers are not buckled up, the car chimes at them until they do. It also does not allow the radio to be used until they are buckled up. The key can set the volume of the radio or it can set the maximum speed the car can be driven. The key can also program the car to chime at specific speeds such as 55 or 65 mph.

Being the Central Region Coordinator for Missouri’s Coalition for Roadway Safety, I see the weekly fatality numbers for Central Missouri. As of this week, 12 more people have died than last year at this time. The article causes me to ask: Can technology save more teenager drivers and passengers?

I believe that the answer is yes and no. I realize this is a goofy answer! I believe technology can help, but there are limits. It is certainly difficult to be a parent and watch your teenager drive out of the driveway without your all-imposing presence and experience to guide them. A reminder that their best defense while driving is a simple click of a seat belt is wonderful. Their schedules can make them so busy it is easy to forget the simple things. Their lives have so many distractions that reducing the “volume” to help their focus can only help their driving as well.

I certainly like how the key helps control speed. Between the years 2005-08, high school drivers in Central Missouri were involved in a crash with a fatality or disabling injury. The statistics show that in 147 of these cases, speed contributed towards the crash. Teenagers are already full of energy and motion. They do not need to translate that into a driving habit.

Technology does have its limits. I don’t believe there is a substitute for experience. The first year is the most critical time for a teenage driver. The number of crashes they experience decreases significantly after the first year of driving. More seasoned drivers recognize situations quicker and undertake the correct actions. Teenagers have to experience these situations as they come. So, I don’t believe that gadgets can replace time behind the wheel. But, I do believe it has a place.

In Missouri, teenage drivers represent 9% of the licensed drivers, but they were involved in 23% of the crashes resulting in a fatality and disabling injury in 2008.

This blog was submitted by Matt Myers, Central Region Coordinator for the Missouri Coalition for Roadway Safety.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Hey Teens and Teachers! It’s Time for Battle of the Belt!

Now is the time for mid-Missouri high schools to contact us to learn about participation in the 2009 Battle of the Belt!

The Battle of the Belt is a competition between Missouri high schools to increase seat belt use among teens. The Missouri Coalition for Roadway Safety, Missouri Emergency nurses Association and American Family Insurance sponsor the program.

During the competition, teens participate in an observational safety belt survey conducted before and after an education blitz to determine the change in seat belt use among teens. Prizes are awarded to schools for having the highest seat belt use statewide and locally. Prizes are also awarded for those schools showing the most improved seat belt use.

It’s not too late to sign up. It’s easy to do and teaches a life-saving message. A Participation Agreement Form must be completed by Oct. 2, 2009. Call us at 573-522-1061 or 1-888-275-6636 for more information. Ask for Carol Pleus.

Check out this student produced video from the competition last year.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Child Passenger Safety – Forming A Habit That Just Makes Sense

I have a little girl and she is my “everything!” I would do anything to protect her from harm. As she grows, it is my job to help her form habits she can use to protect herself.

From the time she was a baby I always used the proper child safety seat to make sure she was properly restrained in my car. And, as she grew, I adjusted and changed the safety seat to match her height and weight.

You can learn more about the proper safety seat for your child by accessing this link.

Now, my daughter no longer needs a booster seat, but she understands how important it is to buckle her seat belt. Every time we get into the car, I say, “buckle” before we head out. She does so with ease, and truthfully, without even thinking about it. It’s just a habit now and a really good one.

I hope we’re not involved in a crash. But, I’m glad to know the seat belt is being worn just in case we are. Wearing a seat belt is so easy to do and can save your life or the life of someone you love. It just makes sense. Like I said, she is my “everything” and she is worth it.

If you have questions or comments about child passenger safety or the requirements in Missouri, please let me know.

Child Passenger Safety Week is coming up Sept. 12 – 19 to help raise awareness about the importance of making sure kids are properly restrained in vehicles when traveling. Visit www.savemolives.com to learn about child seat check events in your area.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Missouri's Text Messaging Law Goes Into Effect

People often wonder if my BlackBerry is attached to me. Well, yes. It serves an important function in my life and helps me keep up with my daily activities. The more I use it, the more I wonder how I ever got along without it. But, it’s important to know when to text and when to focus my full attention on other matters.

A new law goes into effect on Aug. 28, 2009. It prohibits drivers 21 years of age or younger from sending, reading, or writing an electronic message while driving.

What we know is that distracted driving is the leading cause of traffic crashes in our state and across the nation. What teens tell us is that texting is their number one distraction while driving. The purpose of the new law is to encourage inexperienced drivers to focus their full attention on driving.

Under the new law, the fine for texting while driving is $200. That’s a pretty hefty price for a young person to pay. But, it’s not nearly the price they could pay if involved in crash.

Did you know it only takes three seconds to travel more than 300 feet when driving 70 miles per hour? Diverting your eyes from the roadway to text on your cell phone could be your last call. Please keep this in mind the next time you’re considering typing a quick note while driving.

Yes, I text. No, I don’t text while driving. I understand that there isn’t anything taking place in my text conversations that is worth the risk of seriously hurting or killing myself or someone else. It’s important for all drivers to focus their full attention on their driving.

Log on and tell me what you think and give suggested ways for curbing this bad habit among drivers.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Let's Talk

As regional coordinator for the Missouri Coalition for Roadway Safety, I am often invited to speak with groups about safe driving habits. Some stories I hear at these outings are uplifting and some are sad. More importantly, we can all learn from these stories because they are about real people just like you and me.

Real People, Real Loss - This summer, a local high school principal in mid-Missouri invited me to speak with students and parents as part of their driver’s education class. The principal was concerned because several teens in this community had died in car crashes during the last school year. Some of the teens were riding with their parents. Sadly, none were wearing a seat belt. The principal felt an urgency to educate the students and community about seat belt safety because she didn’t want to see another young life lost. I applaud her efforts.

Unfortunately, many people don’t understand that without a seat belt, a person can be tossed around and out of a vehicle during a crash. Seat belts keep you secured in your seat.

Check out this link of a taxi cab driver that fell asleep while driving. He ends up with his head out the window of the car after it rolls.

Check out this public service announcement showing how an unbelted passenger hurt others in the car.

In my job I see a lot. I’ve seen people survive serious crashes because they were wearing a seat belt and stayed secured in their seat. I’ve seen crashes in which the passenger area of the car was barely damaged, but the unbelted occupants were thrown from the car or seriously hurt others inside the car as they were tossed about. I hear people tell me they can hold on during a crash. The reality is that the force of a crash at 40 mph is like hitting the ground after falling off a 50-foot cliff. You can’t hold on.

Do As I Do - I am a parent. One of the most important safety tips I’ve tried to teach my children is that they have a much better chance of surviving a vehicle crash if wearing a seat belt. I tell them this sometimes. More importantly, my wife and I show them how important we think it is by buckling up every single time we drive or ride in a vehicle.

Why I Do This - Just like the high school principal, I encourage you to proactively work to encourage others to use their seat belt. Buckling up takes seconds. Use that time to choose wisely because it might just affect the rest of your life or the life of someone you love. My hope is that as I visit places to speak on this topic in the future, the positive stories will outnumber the sad.

Start A Dialogue - I encourage parents and teens to respond to this blog. Let me know what questions you have about safe driving practices like seat belt safety and sober driving. I’m happy to respond and I look forward to hearing from you.